
“Every working professional would like to enjoy the promotion at the work place!! No one would be interested in working for free.”

Tips for Getting Promotion:

Make a note of your achievements so that it becomes helpful when asked to present in front of managers, if there is disagreement from the boss then try to negotiate a bit.

Avoid getting late; ensure you reach at your workplace in time!! For certain times, reason may occur where you tend to not reach in time. Stop procrastination, Have the habit of finishing the more important task first giving it more time and then take the less important work. Plan well your schedule so that you never miss a deadline! Completing the work prior to the deadline is sign of remarkable employee!

The employers avoid hiring the lazy staff!! To maintain the office environment live, one should look energetic and enthusiastic. It is advisable to avoid slouching and show the zealous attitude.  Remove the sloppiness attitude from behavior during work!

Avoid procrastinating!! It is important to carry out the work according to the preference of its priority. If you have shown the commitment of time, then it is advisable to stick to it!

Do not ruin the office environment by back talking or showing the ill behavior towards others!! Avoid gossiping with other employees and concentrate more on work. The more you focus on your work and the more you complete in time, the higher chances you have for your career rise!!

Learn to work as a team and refrain from becoming a lonely wolf. In every organization, there will be projects given and those have to be completed in a team!! Trying to dominate other team members will give you no gain! Work in the friendly manner with your co-workers, cooperating and sometimes compromising!

Do not blame others for your own mistakes!! Be responsible for your own mess! Have the courage to show the acceptance toward s the faults!  Whatever work has been offered, do no work uninterested; avoid lying and never let tardiness/ laziness reflect in your work.

Overconfidence will spoil your entire reputation and would demoralize your confidence!! Making threats is not a wise option. If you have some issues, then it is advisable to consult the hiring managers or the higher authority but threatening to leave job and keeping the work incomplete is not the option which should be followed. Show the company that you are dedicated and committed to the organization.

Focus on your own work and concentrate on yourself, never compare. Not promoting your own work may hinder the success. Your work may be extremely nice but if you are not promoting then it is of no use. Marketing and branding has become the top most necessity. If you do not propagate about your work then you can never apply for the advance opportunity and your salary will never rise. There would be no effect on your reputation! Promotion does not mean you keep talking about your achievement everywhere. Do not ill speak about your boss, which may hinder your rise in the career. Sometimes it is important to believe that work will speak for itself!! Try to make network and business professional relations but not too much that phone keeps buzzing all the time disturbing other employees and your co-workers!

Never get defensive on getting the negative feedback from the employees or the managers. There may be times managers would want to have a meaningful interaction but because of your defensive nature, they might not be willing to do the same with you! Talking loudly or being over noisy diminishes chances of getting promotion.

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Being impulsive while making decision will not help one in climbing the ladder of success. Do not make decision in haste and rash. The behavior at the office should not reflect the impatient quality of a person!!  None would trust you for the work if you handle it impatiently.

The work place should be filled with the positivity!! Your positive and energetic vibes attract others and if you are liked by all then there are high chances that your name will be recommended by all!  Being unassertive is more likely to harm one’s career success.  It is ok to voice up for your opinion but then being negative about everything will do no good! Having bad and bitter attitude towards the people and the company will lead you down in your work positions!

In certain field of work, the promotion is also dependent on how much you know and how much you are willing to learn the new technologies! Not learning new technology may slower you chance of getting promotion and gradually diminish if company find better employees than you who keep themselves updated with the latest technology and studies that come out!

Being chronologically disorganized is the habit that counts as a negative factor and will not allow the rise in the career. People do pay attention to what you tell others regarding your work goals and tasks completion!! It creates a wrong impression if you keep telling things but do not tend to complete the tasks according to your words Do not send personal emails for the communication of personal benefit! Try to utilize office hours if you have something important to convey!

If you have work hard and you are capable of achieving the promotion then arguing with the boss is not wrong but in the right way.  Do not let your nerves get nervous!!! If you do not be conscious then you may end up saying the wrong things!! Sometimes arguing more and defending yourself can lower your chances of getting the promotion! Before you raise your opinion it is always better to form the statements so that when countering is done, you don’t have to stay quite.